Located in Southern New Hampshire, The Maple Guys have been producers of maple syrup and distributors of maple equipment and supplies for over 20 years. Our expertise acquired over the past two decades and our unparalleled service will make the difference for your next sugaring season! In early 2022, the two enterprises split and The Maple Guys will continue to sell CDL equipment and supplies. The syrup side of the business is now known as Pfeil Family Maple Farm.
Chris was raised in New York and his extended family had a maple sugaring operation that he visited as a young boy. When he moved to New Hampshire and purchased a large parcel of land, he began his own small operation with his neighbor. During that time, he opened a small supply and equipment distributorship which grew to include online sales. Additionally, Chris has several inventions that were brought to market and are still being used in the industry. After a two-year hiatus due to Covid, The Maple Guys are now reopening their online store to exclusively sell CDL USA equipment and supplies.
We believe in providing the best online shopping experience for maple producers, including being responsive to questions and available for consultation, as well as providing quick shipping and a quality product.
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